Officers & Chairmen



President: Vicky Elliott
Vice President (Membership): Bittsy Hall
Recording Secretary: Terry Criner, NCTM

Corresponding Secretary: Donna Boles
Treasurer: Kelsey Cowling
Historian: Sarah Reaser O’Brien, NCTM
Immediate Past President: Terry Criner, NCTM

Appointed Officers

Chaplain: Roma Scriven, NCTM

Parliamentarian: Kerry Morgiewicz

RVMTA Committee Chairmen

Certification/Credentials: Roma Scriven

Finance: Kelsey Cowling, Terry Criner, Vicky Elliott, Donna Boles

Programs: Donna Boles

Publicity: Bittsy Hall

RVMTA Student Honors Recital: Becky Batts

Scholarships: Wysor Gearhart

VMTA Fall Festival: Bittsy Hall

VMTA Theory Test: Jaina Codington

Sightreading and Keyboard Skills: Roma Scriven

The duties of officers and chairmen are listed in a file which can be found on our Members Only page.

Past Presidents

Betty Jo Barton1968-1970
Betty Jane Noftsinger1970-1972
Mrs. Grady Beck1972
Annie Laurie Ward1972-1976
Peggy R. Looney1976-1980
Ann A. Stewart1980-1984
Betty Jane Noftsinger1984-1987
Pam F. Stump, NCTM1987-1990
Roma G. Scriven, NCTM1990-1993
Carolyn Winborne1993-1996
Gret Kidd1996-1998
Kathleen Merrell1998-2000
Mary Alice Bowman2000-2002
Ann T. Hepper2002-2004
Susan B. McDowell, NCTM2004-2006
Sarah Reaser O’Brien, NCTM2006-2008
Lynne S. Kessler, NCTM2008-2010
Bittsy R. Hall2010-2012
Peggy Schaaf2012-2014
Sherrie Andrews2014-2016
Adele Carliss2016-2017
Roma Scriven, NCTM2017-2018
Rebecca Wallenborn2018-2020
Terry Criner, NCTM2020-2024